Croeso to our school website! We believe that every step of your child's education is as important as the one before. With this in mind, we strive continually to provide inspiring learning experiences for children.
Four Year 6 boys have organised of their own accord a non-uniform day for next Friday 10th February.
The boys and in particular, Kynam Roberts have planned and even bought the resources for the 'Assume Position Day'
Their plan is that children will buy a toy soldier on the day for £1 and whenever the bell rings or the teachers special command goes then they must all 'Assume the Position of their soldier'
The boys hope that the money will go to St Kentigern's Hospice and some for their new playground. They have suggested that pupils wear 'green' on the day to keep affect with the day. Many thanks to the boys for the idea and organisation. We do hope you will be able to support us.