Croeso to our school website! We believe that every step of your child's education is as important as the one before. With this in mind, we strive continually to provide inspiring learning experiences for children.
Here is some useful information about about Year 4. To follow us on a daily basis please find us on Twitter @ysgolbrynhedydd.
We have 2 classes in Year 4.
4CR taught by Mrs Rodgers (Mrs Roberts all day Monday and Tuesday afternoon),
4CJ taught by Mrs Jones
Other staff working in Year 4 are; Mrs P Grindal (TA), Mrs H Bollen (TA), Mrs C Marsden (HLTA), Mr A Lloyd (1:1 support), Mrs N Bennet (1:1 support).
The support that parents and carers can give at home makes a huge difference to their child's learning. We expect each child to read to an adult at least 3 times a week (sign calendar in the back of the Reading Diary please). 'MyMaths' homework will be set weekly and should be completed by Friday morning. Spellings are sent home every Monday in a Yellow spelling book which should be returned for a test on Friday. Times tables will be tested on Friday. We aim for children to have quick recall of 2, 3,4 ,5 ,6 and 10X tables by the end of Year 4.
Indoor PE is on Monday and Outdoor games is on Wednesday. Swimming lessons take place in the Summer Term.
Our learning is based on termly topics:
Autumn Term - Flight
Children study natural and man-made flight.
During this term the children have an opportunity to spend 3 days at Pentrellyncymer Outdoor Education Centre. Our book is 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang flies Again' by Frank Cottrell-Boyce.
Spring Term - Hot and Cold
The children learn about hot and cold natural environments and human and animal adaptation. 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe' by C S Lewis is a classic novel which inspires our learning.
Summer Term - Tudors and Explorers
Life in Tudor times for ordinary families and discoveries made by Tudor explorers will be our focus this term. A visit to an Elizabethan house - 'Plas Mawr' in Conwy gives a special insight into Tudor life. As part of this trip, the children visit the RSPB reserve at Conwy - an opportunity to recap on, and extend learning about birds.
If you have any concerns about your child's progress please arrange to see your class teacher in school.
The is a 'Meet MY Teacher' meeting in October, a longer 'Target Setting' meeting in February and the opportunity, if needed to discuss progress at the end of the year.
Below are some useful websites.
We look forward to working with you and your child and have exciting times ahead!