Welcome Croeso

Croeso to our school website! We believe that every step of your child's education is as important as the one before. With this in mind, we strive continually to provide inspiring learning experiences for children.

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  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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Ysgol Bryn Hedydd Dream it, Achieve it, Use the Force Breuddwydiwch, Cyflawnwch, Defnyddiwch y Grym


Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 page

from Mrs Seabourne and Mr Nolan

We hope you have read the welcome letter 'Year 3 News', don't forget any questions please come and see us at the end of the day or phone for an appointment.
We are using this website page as an information and resource page, where we will let you know about information about Year 3 and links to useful websites.

Our team:
Mrs Seabourne - teacher
Mr Nolan - teacher
Please follow what our classes get up to on the School's Twitter page.

Key Information.
Both classes in Year 3 are required to read a minimum of three times each week, with three dates imputed and one  parental comment/ signature.

P.E - Outdoor P.E is timetabled for a Friday afternoon. Please can you ensure that children have trainers for this session. As the cold weather arrives, a tracksuit is advisable.

Indoor P.E is on a Wednesday afternoon. depending on what is being taught, sometimes both classes will have a shorter session in the hall. However sometimes, in order to gain a longer session, we might alternate the weeks.

[It is always best to have P.E kit in school in case this slot is moved.]

Autumn Term



This half term our topic is 'Healthy Me' during the term we will be having fun whilst learning all about how to be healthy. We will look at the effects of food, exercise, sleep and the importance of keeping our teeth healthy.

We are looking forward to our trip to Danger Point on 7.10.15
(this will teach us about how to stay safe in a variety of different situations).

Spring Term.

Further information to follow.

Summer Term.

Further information to follow.

An ongoing topic throughout the year is The Celts.  


We have started a new initiative this year and all the children are in training- they are 'mathletes'
You can help your child in their maths training in everday situations and by ensuring they complete their mymaths homework each week and don't for get the super fun 'Sumdog' a free online fun games package that supports their maths skills and practice. 

If you ever need to speak to us, please feel free to catch us at the beginning of the day or end of the day, when we are on the door.

We appreciate the support we get from our parents. Thank you and we hope to have a fantastic year with your children.
