Welcome Croeso

Croeso to our school website! We believe that every step of your child's education is as important as the one before. With this in mind, we strive continually to provide inspiring learning experiences for children.

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  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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Ysgol Bryn Hedydd Dream it, Achieve it, Use the Force Breuddwydiwch, Cyflawnwch, Defnyddiwch y Grym



Welcome to Nursery!


Hello and welcome to Nursery's year group page. 
We would all like to thank Mrs Orbine and wish her good luck with her new arrival!!! We would also like to welcome Miss Love to Nursery who will be covering Mrs Orbine's maternity leave and will be teaching in Nursery on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 
Our topic this term is the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We have got lots of exciting activities planned-keep checking the website for more pictures.
Some Reminders:

  • Non uniform days-Friday 6th of July and Friday 13th of July donations of cakes, cans, chocolates please.
  • Moving up day is July 5th this gives you and your child a chance to meet your new Reception teachers (letter with appointments to follow)
  • Early Years Sports Day will be held on Tuesday 26th June. The children's PE kits will be sent home beforehand so the children can wear them to school on the day. Races start at
  • 9:30 am onwards for morning Nursery and Reception GH.
  • 1:30 pm onwards for afternoon Nursery and Reception KWG.
  • Fruit money is £1 a week and is to be brought in on a Monday in a envelope with your child's name on it please. 
  • Cookery money is to be brought in monthly and is again £1-We are planning to do lots of cookery activities.
  • Children have now been provided with a book bag and have the opportunity to bring home a book to share with you for the week. Please can book bags be brought back on a Friday for books to be changed. 
  • We have once again decided to reward 2 children per week in Nursery with the 'Star of the Week'award. The children will recieve a certificate and they will also be able to take 'Sweetie' (am) or 'Cookie' (pm) the class monkeys home for the weekend to look after and to write all about the adventures they've had in the monkey's diaries. Well done to Katie and Freya who are this week's stars-Well done!
  • Please can all parents, guardians and Day Nurseries say goodbye to children at the white door. Our cloakroom is too small to accommodate lots of parents and we have to think of health and safety of everyone. There will always be a member of staff in the cloakroom to help your child with their coat etc.


We had another fantastic day at the beach on 13th June (well the morning children did-due to poor weather it was cancelled in the afternoon). The children took part in lots of races to celebrate the Olympics and Global Citizenship week. As part of Global Citizenship week the children have been looking at France, they have made Eiffel tower hats, played the French game boulles and tried lots of yummy french food like baguettes, brie cheese and croissants!  
On Tuesday 8th of May and Wednesday 9th of May the children had a fantastic day out at Rhuddlan Castle. We had a great look around and climbed all the steps to the tallest tower. We pretended to be knights and princesses and had so much fun. We enjoyed a lovely picnic and then had a fun time in the park.  Have a look at all the photographs below-they're fantastic!