Croeso to our school website! We believe that every step of your child's education is as important as the one before. With this in mind, we strive continually to provide inspiring learning experiences for children.
The children are currently doing lots of thinking and fun activities on the topic of BEARS.
Parents received a overview of the learning ( if you would like another please contact a member of the team).
The children are settling well into school life and beginning to understand the Nursery routine.
After half term the children will be organised into colour groups- red, yellow, blue and green. These groups are for organisational purposes as we will be doing more focused tasks. The children may move to different colour groups as the year progresses.
We will be sending a letter home after half term with regards to when and what the children will require for PE.
Please can you ensure all your child's uniform, coats, hats and PE kit are labelled.
If your child has had school clothing, due to accidents etc, please could we have them returned ASAP.
Parents meetings
For all the parents that requested an appointment, your child has been given the return slip with the time and date of your appointment. Please can you arrive promptly to save any delays, these appointments are only ten minutes each and it gives you the opportunity to discuss anything about your child settling into Nursery.
World of work week
We will be thinking about People who help us in the work place. We hope to visit the Fire station ( a letter will come out about this closer to the time). A lollipop lady will be coming in to talk to the children and hopefully PC Brown.
Star of the week
We are always rewarding children for excellent behaviour, learning and for being good friends. These children will be chosen weekly to be 'Star of the week'. They will bring home the class Welsh dragons with the diary to record the adventures they get up to with your child. These adventures will be shared with the whole class. The stars of the week will be put on twitter weekly....
Please keep a close eye on the school's twitter page for upcoming notices and we will update this page termly.
Thank you for your delightful children we hope their journey in Nursery will be a happy and fun.