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Ysgol Bryn Hedydd Dream it, Achieve it, Use the Force Breuddwydiwch, Cyflawnwch, Defnyddiwch y Grym


Autumn 2. Percy the Park Keeper. Our outdoor park play

Our topic this half term is ‘Percy the Park Keeper. We will be finding out all about the season Autumn leading up and into Winter with Percy the friendly and kind Park Keeper and all his special park animal friends. 

In our classroom we have our own park hut, just like Percy in his stories. We also have a fantastic autumn park in our special outdoor area. We love pretending to be Percy and his animal friends, we act out Percy's stories and make our own ones up as well. Percy stories are lots of fun!

This exciting topic encourages children to use both the indoor and outdoor environments in a stimulating and fun manner, bringing the natural world indoors and taking learning outdoors. 

There are many Percy the Park Keeper stories written by the wonderful author and illustrator 'Nick Butterworth'. We have enjoyed a wide selection of the Percy books, we especially like the stories 'After the Storm' and 'The Rescue Party'. 