Croeso to our school website! We believe that every step of your child's education is as important as the one before. With this in mind, we strive continually to provide inspiring learning experiences for children.
'Cansing' is a fantastic website that Mrs Lees has stumbled across.
We thought it would quite fun for you to use at home.
There are lots of fun things you can do on there, lots of songs in both english and welsh.
The Year 5 and 6 classes used this website and the 'beat-boxing' activity as inspiration for their welsh rap in this years Eisteddfod with Mr Tudor-Vincent.
If, when opening any of the resources it asks you for a username and password, they are as follows...
username: brynhedydd
password: vicky
So, see what you can find on this site and maybe let your teacher know too!
Have fun
Use the link at the bottom of this page!