Croeso to our school website! We believe that every step of your child's education is as important as the one before. With this in mind, we strive continually to provide inspiring learning experiences for children.
Throughout the week commencing 3rd November, Ysgol Bryn Hedydd will be holding their very first 'Museum Week'
All the staff and children are looking forward to it and are already getting ready for the week!
Each class in school will be studying their own period in history, where they will make artefacts and inform others about their topic.
The classes have the following topics:
Reception JE - Fashion Through the Ages
Reception MA - Monarchy
Year 1 JR - Local History
Year 1 AJ - Victorians
Year 2 ST - Toys and Transport
Year 2 KWG - Ancient Greeks
Year 3 JR - Tudors
Year 3 CS - Egyptians
Year 4 CJ - Ancient Rome
Year 4 CR - Vikings
Year 5 PN - Romans
Year 5 LW - Aztecs
Year 5 DV - WW2
Year 6 CE - Incas
Year 6 RP - British Life since 1960
You are all invited to our 'Night At TheĀ Museum' which will be held between 5-6p.m on Friday 7th November. Please bring a torch!
Please see Latest News Documents for a birds eye view of the set up of school.